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Contributing to Aineko

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Aineko!

Here are the steps to get started quickly:

Install Aineko from source

First, make sure you have poetry installed on your system if not already installed.
curl -sSL | python3 -
Then, install the source code for Aineko on your local system.
git clone
cd aineko && poetry install --with dev,test,docs

Make your changes to Aineko source code

Update Aineko on your local system.

Test using Aineko pipeline

We highly encourage you to validate your changes by testing the project creation process end-to-end. This means validating the changes by running a local pipeline that uses your local Aineko repository.

First, update poetry to use your local Aineko repository.
poetry lock
poetry install
Next, create an Aineko project in the parent directory.
poetry run aineko create --output-dir ../
Next, update the create Aineko project to use the local Aineko repository. Go to ../my-awesome-pipeline/pyproject.toml and update the following line.
python = ">=3.10,<3.11"
aineko = { path = "<path/to/Aineko/git/repo>", develop=true}

Test if your changes worked by running the Aineko pipeline and any other testing methods that are relevant.

Run lints and tests

Finally, after making all the changes, it's good to validate that you adhered to the style guide and you didn't break anything.
# Within aineko git repository
make lint
make unit-test
make integration-test

Update Aineko docs

Aineko raw documentation is in the form of markdown files found in the docs directory.

Aineko uses Material for MkDocs to generate the documentation static site from markdown.

Set up a local server to view changes live

MkDocs comes with a tool to display local documentation as it would on the site, allowing you to view changes as you make them. Set up a local server that automatically updates using:
poetry run mkdocs serve

Navigate to localhost:8000 to see the documentation site.

Run lint

Once you're happy with your changes, run the linters to keep any additional code stylistically consistent. You will need to install vale (a linter for prose) first. Installation instructions can be found here.
make lint
make lint-docs

Make a pull request

How to make a PR?

To make a PR, first create and push to GitHub a branch by running the following commands.

git checkout -b docs/<branch-name>
git add .
git commit -m "docs: <some descriptive message>"
git push --set-upstream origin docs/<branch-name>

Next, navigate to the Aineko GitHub repo and select the docs/<branch-name> branch in the compare box.

Document versioning

On every merge to the develop branch, our CI automatically packages and publishes the docs under the dev version. Additionally, when a version of Aineko is tagged, our CI publishes that version of the docs as under that minor version (for example, the version with tag 1.2.3 will be published under 1.2).